关键词:柬埔寨中文地接社,梦回吴哥旅行社,柬埔寨自由行,柬埔寨旅游包车,暹粒旅游包车,吴哥窟旅游包车,柬埔寨旅游,吴哥窟行程 对包车朋友提供国外24小时紧急中文救助
吴哥一地五天深圳往返豪华游 / Shenzhen-Angkor-Shenzhen five-day round-trip luxury tour
旅游类型:跟团游 / Tour with group


【行程亮点】                                                                                                                     ( English down )

 经典精彩: 世界七大奇观之一---大、小吴哥神秘面纱体验吴哥古迹震撼魅力;寻访导演王家卫电影《花样年华》的拍摄足迹,亲临《古墓丽影》拍摄地点塔普伦寺,更多神秘还等待您一一品味;巴肯山----欣赏日落吴哥古城的壮丽;
 美食飨宴:特别安排品尝柬埔寨当地特色风味餐,欣赏高棉民族舞蹈表演秀;
 品质保证:自由选择自费,绝无强迫。全程领队与导游贴心服务。
 特别安排:1 天自由活动!自在探秘吴哥!
 舒适体验:乘坐春秋航班直飞往返,让您感受吴哥微笑的亲切服务;
 优选酒店:难忘的旅程从舒适睡眠开始,入住当地精选带私家游泳池豪华酒店五星酒店;
 尊享特权: 柬埔寨入境尊享快速通关待遇!VIP 免通关小费!
航班参考资料: : 搭乘春秋 C 9C 机 航空公司客机 深圳直航
第一天 深圳 SZX 暹粒REP 9C8997 1855-2110
第五天 暹粒 REP 深圳SZX 9C8998 2210/0200+1
日期    交通               早餐      午餐        晚餐               参考酒店
第一天 深圳吴哥           X         X           X         吴哥当地五星酒店
第二天 大小吴哥精华一日游  酒店内 中式团餐 柬式风味自助餐   吴哥当地五星酒店
第三天 市内游览国王行宫等  酒店内 柬式团餐   中式团餐       吴哥当地五星酒店
第四天 自由活动            酒店内     X            X        吴哥当地五星酒店
第五天 大榕树村-暹粒深圳  酒店内     X       中式团餐           温馨家园
深圳- - 吴哥(参考航班 9C8997 1855/2110 )
客人于深圳宝安机场出境大厅集合(具体时间以出团通知为准),乘搭客机前往世界七大奇迹之一、座落于人间的天堂—— 吴哥窟,其位于柬埔寨(又名高棉)首都金边北部的暹粒省,曾是古代柬埔寨京都。
温馨提示:请客人携带在团队回程日有效期仍在半年或以上、以及 3 页以上空白签证页之有效护照正本及近期证件相片 2 张(两寸,白底)
早:敬请自理 午:自理 晚:自理
大小吴哥 - - 巴肯山
早餐后,首先带您畅游 【 大吴哥 】城区(游览时间不低于 2 小时);大吴哥城共有五座城门,城门高 20 公尺,城门上雕有四面佛像,在进入都城前,远远便会看到高达七公尺的大石城门上头,四面都刻着吴哥王朝全盛时期国王加亚巴尔曼七世的面容,此与印度教不同的是此乃象征眼观四路耳听八方的四面佛菩萨。
前往参观庙 【塔普伦庙 a Ta Prohom 】(游览时间不低于 30 分钟),电影(古墓丽影)以此为场景拍摄,有巨大的树木盘结在围墙庙门口,更视为奇观。百年老树缠绕着千年奇石,彷佛爱恨纠缠般的浪漫。接着进入城中参观由 54 座大大小小宝塔构成一座大宝塔的 【 巴戎庙 】,每一座塔的四面都刻有三公尺高的加亚巴尔曼七世的微笑面容,两百多个微笑浮现在葱绿的森林中,世人称之为「高棉的微笑」。前往参观吴哥城里的 【吴哥古皇宫】,此处为加亚拔罗曼七世之祭祀地点,接着参观 【古代法院】之雕刻,内有古时判官及麻疯王雕刻建筑。接着参观 【斗象台】此乃古时皇帝挑选座骑的地方、及 【2 12 生肖塔】此乃古时走钢索卖艺表演的地方。下午前往参观名列世界七大奇景- 【小吴哥 R ANGKOR WAT 】(约 2.5 小时)是高棉吴哥王朝全盛时期所遗留下来的不朽宗教建筑;全城雕刻之精美有「雕刻出来的王城」美誉。是柬埔寨的标志,印在了柬埔寨的国旗上。此为高棉有史以来最宏伟的都城,也是 200 多座古迹中唯一正门向西的神庙. 最后到 【中心塔】,该塔从塔基算起高 65 米,垂直角度 75 度,相当陡峭。傍晚 【吴哥巴肯山】(游程时间约60 分钟)欣赏落日,登上高 60 公尺左右斜坡,来到巴肯山顶,可将整个吴哥窟尽收眼底,是观看吴哥日落最佳场所。
2:巴肯山古迹顶端--巴肯寺为保护古迹,有人员管制流量,每 15 分钟只允许 300 名游客爬上去,常有耗时大排长龙之困扰,如因团体行程参观时间限制,导致无法登顶参观,敬请见谅;
早:酒店自助 午:中式团餐 晚:自助餐看表演
第三天 皇家公园- - 姐妹庙- - 国王行宫 — 吴哥全景博物馆
酒店内享用早餐后,前往参观 吴哥皇家公园(参观约 30 分钟)其位于吴哥市中心,公园里面特别神奇的是大树上常年有巨大蝙蝠高挂在树 梢,彷佛相伴姐妹庙不舍离去,尤其是在清晨或是傍晚,成千大蝙蝠盘旋空中的景象,真叫人叹为观止。吴哥窟大型楠木很多,在这皇家公园中就可以观赏到许多百年以上的巨木,公园中空气清新,为炎热的吴哥带来阵阵的绿意。续前往参观 【 姐妹庙 】(参观约 15 分钟),暹粒市最灵验的姐妹庙,也是当地香火最旺的庙宇,带着一份虔诚的心祈求,满怀吴哥的祝福。然后外观西哈努克老国王的 【国王行宫】(外观约 10 分钟)。然后 【吴哥全景博物馆】(参观约 60 分钟)博物馆的核心看点是以 360 度油画(4 个篮球场面积)的方式,展现了吴哥王朝的兴衰,具有极高的艺术价值。
早:酒店自助 午:柬式团餐 晚:中式团餐
享受一个没有 Morning call 的早晨,您可以一觉睡到自然醒,享用酒店自助早餐后,自由活动或参加推荐自费(期间无导游、领队、司机跟随,请注意人身、财产安全)。
A 套餐:洞里萨湖游船+吴哥微笑大型表演+自助晚餐 三项服务费用 RMB 500/人
B 套餐:崩密列+柬式按摩+自助晚餐 三项服务费用 RMB 500/人
C 套餐:崩密列+柬式风味特色餐+洞里萨湖游船+柬式特色自助餐+柬式按摩 1 小时+港式下午茶 六项服务费用 RMB 700/人
早:酒店自助 午:敬请自理 晚:敬请自理
暹粒   大榕树村 F -CDF – 深圳 (参考航班 9C8998 2210/0200+1 )
下午请于指定时间于酒店集中,随后前往 【大榕树村】 (游览时间不低于 30 分钟)柬埔寨村庄“大榕树村”是一个历史悠久、民风淳朴、风景优美的地方。这里的佛教文化和手工文化随处可见,让游客近距离的和当地百姓接触、互动,更多的了解、认识柬埔寨。同时宾客们亦可选购一些当地纯手工制作的纪念品。
随后参观CDF 中国免税品集团 ( 柬埔寨 ) 吴哥免税商场,这是柬埔寨的第一家市内免税品商场,引进全球顶级品牌,相信在游览了吴哥高棉古朴文化的同时,CDF 的Shopping 热情会为此行增添不少时尚元素!
早:酒店自助 午:敬请自理 晚:中式团餐
1. 春秋航空深圳往返团队经济舱机票及机场税、燃油税、柬埔寨离境税;
2. 行程内所列星级酒店,标准双人间;
3. 空调旅游车(根据团队人数安排 9-40 座空调旅游车,保证每人 1 正座);
4. 行程内所列景点第一大门票;
5. 全程含行程所列餐食早餐(4 个),正餐(5 个),若客人不用此餐,费用不退,请知悉!
1. 柬埔寨落地签+办签证小费¥250 元/人(如做柬埔寨个人旅游签证需补 60/人)(需出团前付清)
2. 导游服务费全程¥250 元/人(需出团前付清)
3. 单人房差
4. 国内机场至市区或内地的往返交通费用。
5. 私人性质的消费(如交通费,洗衣,电话,酒水,购物等)。
6. 因罢工、台风、交通延误或变更等一切不可抗拒因素所引致的额外费用。
7. 按照国际惯例,转机及候机的用餐等餐饮自理。
8. 个人旅游意外保险(强列建议:提醒客人购买个人旅游意外保险!)
9. 其他未约定由旅行社支付的费用(节假日旺季升幅等)。
10. 行李超重。春航普通经济座旅客免费行李额为 15 公斤(含托运与非托运),超重部分需支付逾重行李费,每公斤按国家公布的经济舱全票价的 1.5%计算。每位旅客带入客舱的非托运行李(包括自理行李和随身携带物品)仅限一件,重量不应超过 5 公斤,尺寸不应超过 20 厘米×30 厘米×40 厘米。
11. 春秋航空要求 70 岁以上老人需提供心电图、血压、呼吸道检查或 6 个月内的体检证明或乘机记录的, 经春航审核通过方能出票。
12. 客人必须全程随团队旅游,确需离团自行活动者,应到当团领队处办理手续,离团费 800 元/人。
1. 护照要求:在团队回程日有效期仍在半年或以上以及3 页以上空白签证页之有效护照正本(如因客人自身原因导致拒签;客人要承担由此产生的业务损失费,包括机票费用、地接费用等,我社会退还团费中未产生的费用。)
2. 相片要求:2 寸彩色照片二张( 白底 )
3. 除中国护照外,凡持外籍护照的客人必须自备签证和具备2 次以上进出中国境的有效签证。港澳台同胞出团时需备有回乡证和台胞证。在团队回程日有效期仍在半年或以上以及3 页以上空白签证页之有效护照正本 、二寸彩照1张(白底)。
1、 柬埔寨酒店没有官方公布的星级标准,没有挂星制度。行程中所标明的星级标准为柬埔寨当地行业参考标准,普遍比国内略差一点;国外度假村是根据规模大小、地理位置及配套设施来定价,无星级参考标准;当地旅游巴士也多为二手车。
2、 中国与柬埔寨时差提示:柬埔寨时间比北京时间慢1 小时
3、 此行程客人临时不走其中的行程和用餐视为放弃行程!不再另外额外退费.客人须按行程随团出入,切不可擅自离团,否则后果自负。以上行程可视具体情况变动,我公司保留最终解释权。
4、 旅游地区,小偷屡见不鲜,贵重物品务必随身小心保管,切勿存放在旅游车及酒店房间内。建议护照及机票统一交由酒店前台帮忙保管,自由活动期间注意安全。
5、 如因客人自身原因导致拒签;客人要承担由此产生的业务损失费,包括机票费用、地接费用等,我社会退还团费中未产生的费用。
9、从2011 年11 月1 日起,巴肯山限制上山人数300 人/天,如因团体行程参观时间限制,导致无法登顶参观,敬请见谅;
补  充  协  议 书
地点 名称 内容 时间
吴哥 珠宝店 宝石(红宝 蓝宝)珠宝手工制品 约 60 分钟
吴哥 木雕店 木雕,纪念品等 约 60 分钟
吴哥 丝绸世界 蚕丝制品 约 60 分钟
吴哥 乳胶店 各种乳胶制品 约 60 分钟
1、 、 商品价格是由市场决定 , 旅游者应根据自身经济状况选择 , 所购商品如非质量问题一律不予退还 ;
2 、行程单中的景点(免税商场)不属于安排的购物场所,旅行社不承担任何责任;
3 、旅游者自行前往的购物场所购买商品出现质量问题,旅行社不承担任何责任。
4 、 境外购物的应自行承担购物活动所产生的各项关税 、 费用等项 , 如不能获得当地的退税 , 客人自行承担相关的已发生的税费。
自费表升级您的度假感受度! !为满足旅游者个性化的游览活动的需要,旅行社提供另行付费项目内容及标准供旅游者参考,如有参加需求的旅游者可在自由活动期间自愿选择参加。
自费项目安排(10 成人以上报价,如少于 10 成人价格另议)
参考自费项目 内容 价格(大小同价)
柬式传统按摩 车费+司机服务费+导游费 USD10/人/小时(不含小费)
吴哥微笑灯光秀 车费+司机服务费+导游费+票 USD45/人
洞里萨湖 车费+司机服务费+导游费+票 USD25/人
崩密列 车费+司机服务费+导游费+票 USD45/人
荔枝山国家公园 车费+司机服务费+导游费+票 USD55/人
FCC法式浪漫晚餐 餐费+车费+服务费 USD30/人
套票一 洞里萨湖游船+吴哥微笑大型表演+自助晚餐 人民币 500 元/人
套票二 崩密列+柬式按摩+自助晚餐 人民币 500 元/人
式特色自助餐+柬式按摩 1小时+港式下午茶
人民币 700 元/人
简 介
崩密列 (游览时间约 1.5 小时)它建于 12 世纪的苏利耶跋摩二世朝代,它是吴哥遗迹群中最值得去同时也是最难前往的遗迹。 崩密列的护城河长 1.2 公里,宽 0.9 公里,它和吴哥窟几乎一样大的规模,但依然被丛林严密包裹着。由于比较荒僻,所以很多浮雕和塑像已被掠夺,但寺庙的神秘气氛仍旧在森林深处弥漫。此地是好莱坞电影《龙兄虎弟》的取景地。
洞里萨湖游船 (时间约 1.5 小时)位于暹粒市区南边 7 公里处,为东南亚最大的淡水湖泊,总面积雨季为一万多平方公里,旱季为六千多平方公里,长 160 公里、宽 36 公里,其渔获量之丰富,不仅源源不断的供应全高棉人民食用,亦可外销。搭乘游船于洞里萨湖上欣赏湖上秀美风景,也可以看到当地简朴的水上人家特有的船屋上捕鱼、种菜、养猪等活动。
《吴哥的微笑》大型史诗舞台表演光影秀 (演出时间每晚 19:15-20:25)运用全世界最先进的灯光技术,舞台效果极佳,极具梦幻效果,全方位艺术再现向您展示柬埔寨吴哥王朝悠久历史和文明的大型歌舞史诗。是中柬两国共同打造的第一个大型文化合作项目,
柬埔寨民俗文化村和高棉民俗表演 (游览时间约 2.5 小时)是一个荟萃柬埔寨各地名胜古迹微缩景点以及集中各民族民间艺术、民俗风情和民居建筑于一园的大型文化旅游娱乐景区。民俗文化村荟萃了柬埔寨各民族的民间艺术、民俗风情和民居建筑于一体。
了解柬埔寨这个国家历史、民族文化的缩影,文化村占地21 万平方米,现有 11 个风俗各异的民族村寨,从不同角度反映柬埔寨各民族的民俗文化和风情。在各个村寨里,游客可以观赏柬埔寨古老典雅民族歌舞,也可以参与柬埔寨传统婚礼仪式。除了浓郁的民族色彩外,并于博物馆内以硅胶塑像展示古高棉人当年建筑吴哥窟的生动场景,犹如时空隧道般的回到过去。晚餐特意安排民俗文化村民族舞蹈秀+自助餐,边吃饭边欣赏魅力的吴哥文化表演,让你高兴不已!
柬式传统按摩 (60 分钟)起源于吴哥王朝宫廷,柬埔寨按摩的功夫在于高超的技法,按部位分为头部,脸部,腰部,足部,全身。动作有捏、拽、揉、按、摸、抻、拉等。按手法分有古典式和加油按摩,一个钟头下来,客人已进入飘飘欲仙的境地,解除您一天的疲劳,让你焕发充沛的精力。(按摩师小费请酌情另行打赏,通常 1 美元/人)
荔枝山国家公园(游览时间约 1.5 小时)位于吴哥窟东北 30 多公里处,是柬埔寨佛教圣地和著名风景区,海拔高度 470 米,从远处眺望荔枝山,它就像一头巨狮静静地伏卧在暹粒省中部的莽原之上。山上可以观赏到水底的“林迦”雕刻。位于山顶的波列昂通寺,由巨石垒成,天然粗犷。寺中有一尊 9 米长的巨型石雕卧佛。山顶是柬埔寨著名瀑布,瀑布下同样有宗教石刻,曾经是国王沐浴的地方,这里是阇耶跋摩二世即位的地方
6、柬埔寨海关比较腐败,有见到中国游客就会跟你要小费的坏习惯,一般给1 美金或10 元人民币以便快速通关不给也无妨;
10、请不要携带违禁品登机,超过100 毫升的液体物品请办理托运,回国的时候请不要携带当地的水果、生鲜食品及动物制品乘机;
16、年龄低于18 周岁且未有监护人陪同单独出行的旅游者,必须监护人签订合同并提交监护人书面同意出行书。
17、年龄在75 周岁以上及有其它特殊情况的旅游者,须直系亲属同意出行。
18、18 周岁以下及60 周岁以上旅游者,以及患有高血压、贫血、糖尿病、呼吸系统疾病、心脑血管疾病、精神病及孕妇等不宜进入高原地区旅游,如有隐瞒或假报者发生任何事故旅行社概不负责。
一、风俗:在吴哥旅游时应当遵守当地的风俗习惯。柬埔寨吴哥是虔诚的佛教国家,参观主要景点和寺庙,需脱鞋赤脚进入,柬埔寨属于小乘佛教国家,当地人认为每个人的“头”是最神圣的地方不能随便碰,所以见到柬埔寨的小孩请不要随便摸他们的头部;遵守它国法律和民俗, 不要随地吐痰、乱丢垃圾,不要大声喧哗;保持文明礼貌,充分体现中国人的民族气质、人格魅力和礼仪之邦的大国风范
九、民俗: 泼水节:每年的4月13—15日是柬南亚国家盛行的泼水节,也是柬埔寨的新年,这时候所有的佛教寺院都悬挂着佛教的五色旗,人们则盛装到佛寺朝拜,年轻人则戴着面具到各家各户拜年,并说吉祥话募吉钱,然后将捐给寺院讨吉利。另外,还有堆沙山的仪式,在长老们的指点下,人们在寺院周围堆药沙山,以祈祝五毅丰收,人丁与旺。


[Travel Highlights]

Classic and wonderful: One of the Seven Wonders of the World---The big and small Angkor mystery veil to experience the charm of Angkor's ancient monuments; to visit the filming footprint of the director Wang Jiawei's film "In the Mood for Love", visit the "Tomb Raider" shooting location Ta Prohm Temple, more mystery still waiting for you to taste; Bakken Mountain----Appreciate the magnificent sunset of Angkor Ancient City;

Gourmet feast: specially arranged to taste local Cambodian specialties and enjoy the Khmer folk dance show;

Quality Assurance: Free choice at your own expense, no compulsion. The whole team leader and tour guide caring service.

feature of product

Special arrangement: 1 day free time! Exploring Angkor!

Comfortable experience: take a direct flight between spring and autumn flights, let you feel the friendly service of Angkor smile;

Preferred Hotel: An unforgettable journey begins with a comfortable sleep and stays in a local selection of five-star hotels with private swimming pool luxury hotels;

Privilege: Cambodia's entry to enjoy fast customs clearance! VIP free pass tip!

Flight Reference: : Take the Spring and Autumn C 9C aircraft Airline passenger plane Shenzhen direct flight

Day 1 Shenzhen SZX Siem Reap REP 9C8997 1855-2110

Day 5 Siem Reap REP Shenzhen SZX 9C8998 2210/0200+1

Date Transportation Breakfast Lunch Dinner Reference Hotel

Angkor X X X Angkor local five-star hotel  first day Shenzhen

Day 2 Size Angkor Essence Day Tour, Chinese hotel Chinese Meal Cambodian Style Buffet Angkor Local Five Star Hotel

Day 3 City tour of the King's Palace, etc. Chinese group meal Angkor local five-star hotel

Day 4 Free Event Hotel X X Local Five Star Hotel in Angkor

Shenzhen Hotel X Chinese-style group meal Warm home  fifth day Big Banyan Village - Siem Reap

Detailed trip

first day

Shenzhen - - Angkor (reference flight 9C8997 1855/2110 )

Guests gather at the exit hall of Shenzhen Baoan Airport (the specific time is subject to the notice of the tour), take a passenger plane to one of the seven wonders of the world, the paradise in the world - Angkor Wat, which is located in Cambodia (also known as Khmer) The Siem Reap Province in the northern part of the capital, Phnom Penh, was once the ancient city of Kyoto, Cambodia.

Return to the hotel after arrival and rest.

Reminder: Please bring along the original valid passport and recent photo of the blank visa page that is still valid for half a year or more on the team return date and 3 pages (two inches, white background)

Early: Please take care of yourself. Noon: Self-care.

Reference hotel: Angkor local five-star hotel or similar

the next day

Size Angkor - - Bakken Hill

After breakfast, first take you to the [Great Angkor] city (no less than 2 hours); there are five gates in the city of Angkor, the gate is 20 meters high, and there are four Buddha statues on the gate before entering the capital. From the far side, you will see the top of the big stone city gate of up to seven meters. The faces of King Gaya Balman VII of the Angkor Dynasty during the heyday of the Angkor Dynasty are engraved on all sides. This is different from Hinduism. Listen to the four sides of the Buddha.

Going to visit the temple [Ta Prohm temple a Ta Prohom] (the tour time is no less than 30 minutes), the film (Tomb Raider) is taken as a scene, and huge trees are tied at the entrance of the wall temple, which is more spectacle. A century-old tree is entwined with millennium stones, as if love and hate entangled romance. Then enter the city to visit the Bayu Temple, which consists of 54 large and small pagodas. Each tower is engraved with a smile of 3 meters high on the four sides of Gaya Balmain VII. More than two hundred smiles emerge. In the lush forest, the world calls it "the smile of Khmer." Visit the Angkor Ancient Palace in Angkor Thom, here is the place of worship of Gayaro Roman VII, and then visit the sculptures of the [Ancient Court], with ancient judges and Leprosy carving buildings. Then visit [Buy Elephant Terrace] This is the place where the emperor chose to ride the horse in ancient times, and [2 12 Zodiac Tower] This is the place where the old-fashioned steel ropes perform. In the afternoon, I went to visit the world's seven wonders - [Angkor R ANGKOR WAT] (about 2.5 hours) is an immortal religious building left over from the heyday of the Khmer Angkor dynasty; the city is beautifully carved and carved. Wangcheng's reputation. It is a symbol of Cambodia and is printed on the national flag of Cambodia. This is the most magnificent capital in Khmer's history. It is also the only temple in the more than 200 monuments to the west. Finally, to the [central tower], the tower is 65 meters high from the base and 75 degrees vertical. It is quite steep. . In the evening [Angkor Bakken Mountain] (about 60 minutes travel time) to enjoy the sunset, climb the slope about 60 meters high, and come to the top of Bakken, you can see the entire Angkor Wat, the best sunset in Angkor place.


1: Angkor ancient monuments must cross many gates during the visit. In order to maintain the monuments, it is necessary to change the car to enter, please understand!

2: The top of the Bakken Mountain monument--Bakken Temple protects the monuments. There are personnel control traffic. Only 300 tourists are allowed to climb every 15 minutes. It often takes time and long queues, such as the time limit for group trips. Please forgive me for not being able to climb the summit;

3: The top of the Bakken Mountain monument--Bakken Temple regulations: It is forbidden to wear skirts, trousers and clothes backs or vests below the knees, please cooperate and understand;

4: Bakken Mountain enjoys the setting sun. If you cannot enjoy the sunset because of weather conditions, please forgive me;

Early: Hotel buffet Lunch: Chinese group dinner Late: Buffet show performance

Reference hotel: Angkor local five-star hotel or similar

Day 3 Royal Park - - Sisters Temple - - King's Palace - Angkor Panorama Museum

Expense description

After breakfast in the hotel, visit the Angkor Royal Park (approximately 30 minutes). It is located in the center of Angkor. The park is especially magical. There are huge bats hanging from the treetops all year round, as if accompanied by sisters. Leaving, especially in the early morning or evening, the scene of thousands of bats circling in the air is really amazing. There are many large nanmu in Angkor Wat. In this royal park, you can see many giant woods for more than 100 years. The air in the park is fresh, bringing greenery to the hot Angkor. Continue to visit [Sisters Temple] (about 15 minutes), the most effective sister temple in Siem Reap, is also the most popular temple in the local incense, with a sincere heart praying, full of the blessing of Angkor. Then look at the old king of Sihanouk's [King's Palace] (appearance of about 10 minutes). Then [Angkor Panorama Museum] (approximately 60 minutes of visit) The museum's core attraction is the 360-degree oil painting (4 basketball courts), which shows the rise and fall of the Angkor dynasty and has a high artistic value.

Early: Hotel buffet Lunch: Cambodian group dinner Late: Chinese group meal

Reference hotel: Angkor local five-star hotel or similar

Fourth day

free time

Enjoy a morning without a morning call, you can wake up to sleep naturally, enjoy the hotel buffet breakfast, free time or participate in the recommended self-pay (no guide, leader, driver follow, please pay attention to personal and property safety).

A Package: Tonle Sap Cruise + Angkor Smile Large Show + Buffet Dinner Three Service Fees RMB 500/person

B Package: collapsed column + Cambodian massage + buffet dinner Three service charges RMB 500/person

C Package: Beng Mi Lie + Cambodian-style special meal + Tonle Sap Lake Cruise + Cambodian-style buffet + Cambodian massage 1 hour + Hong Kong-style afternoon tea Six service charges RMB 700/person

Early: Hotel buffet Lunch: Please take care of yourself Evening: Please take care of yourself

Reference hotel: Angkor local five-star hotel or similar

Fifth day

Siem Reap Dabanshu Village F-CDF – Shenzhen (Refer to flight 9C8998 2210/0200+1)

After the hotel buffet breakfast, free time or participate in the recommended self-pay (no guide, leader, driver follow, please pay attention to personal and property safety).

In the afternoon, please concentrate at the hotel at the designated time, and then proceed to [Dayushu Village] (the tour time is no less than 30 minutes). The Cambodian village "Dayushu Village" is a place with a long history, simple folk customs and beautiful scenery. The Buddhist culture and handcrafted culture can be seen everywhere, allowing visitors to get in touch with and interact with local people at a close distance to learn more about Cambodia. At the same time, guests can also purchase some local handmade souvenirs.

Then visit CDF China Duty Free Group (Cambodia) Angkor Duty Free Shopping Mall, the first city duty-free shopping mall in Cambodia, introducing the world's top brands, I believe that while visiting the quaint culture of Angkor Khmer, CDF's Shopping enthusiasm Will add a lot of fashion elements to this line!

After that, take the bus to the airport and return to Shenzhen by international flight to end this pleasant journey!

Early: Hotel buffet Lunch: Please take care of yourself Evening: Chinese group meal

Cost includes

1. Spring and Autumn Airlines Shenzhen round-trip team economy class airfare and airport tax, fuel tax, Cambodian departure tax;

2. The star hotel listed in the itinerary, standard double room;

3. Air-conditioned coaches (9-40 air-conditioned coaches are arranged according to the number of teams, guaranteeing 1 seat per person);

4. The largest ticket for the attractions listed in the itinerary;

5. The whole course includes breakfast (4) and dinner (5). If the meal is not used, the fee will not be refunded. Please know!

Cost does not include

1. Cambodia visa + visa fee ¥250 / person (if you want to do Cambodia personal travel visa 60 / person) (required to pay before the group)

2. Tour guide service fee is ¥250/person (payable before departure)

3. Single room difference

4. Round-trip transportation costs from domestic airport to urban area or inland.

5. Private consumption (such as transportation, laundry, telephone, drinks, shopping, etc.).

6. Additional costs incurred as a result of irresistible factors such as strikes, typhoons, traffic delays or changes.

7. In accordance with international practice, meals such as transfer and waiting meals are self-catering.

8. Personal travel accident insurance (strong recommendation: remind guests to purchase personal travel accident insurance!)

9. Others have not agreed to pay for travel agencies (increased holiday seasons, etc.).

10. The luggage is overweight. The free baggage allowance for Chunhang's ordinary economy seat passengers is 15 kg (including consignment and non-consignment), and the overweight part is required to pay excess baggage fees, which is calculated according to 1.5% of the full economic fare declared by the state. The unchecked baggage (including self-care baggage and carry-on items) brought into the passenger cabin by each passenger is limited to one piece, the weight should not exceed 5 kg, and the size should not exceed 20 cm × 30 cm × 40 cm.

11. Spring Airlines requires that elderly people over 70 years of age need to provide ECG, blood pressure, respiratory examination or medical certificate or flight record within 6 months.

12. Guests must travel with the team throughout the journey. If you need to leave the group to do your own activities, you should go to the team leader to go through the formalities, leaving the group fee of 800 yuan / person.

Reference hotel

Angkor: Fairy Palace Hotel / Regent Hotel / Angkor Paradise Villa Hotel or the same level as the hotel used is not listed here, our company will arrange to stay in the hotel below the original level!

Visa application information:

1. Passport requirements: The original valid passport of the blank visa page that is still valid for half a year or more on the team return date and more than 3 pages (if the guest refuses to sign due to the customer's own reasons; the guest shall bear the resulting business loss, including the cost of the ticket, The cost of the ground connection, etc., my society refunds the expenses that were not incurred in the group fee.)

2. Photo requirements: 2 photos of 2 inch color (white background)

3. In addition to Chinese passports, guests with foreign passports must bring their own visas and have more than 2 valid visas to enter and leave China. Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots are required to have a Home Visit Permit and a Taiwan Compatriot Certificate when they leave the delegation. On the return date of the team, the valid passport is still valid for half a year or more and the blank visa page of 3 pages or more, and one copy of the two-inch color photo (white background).

Special Note

1. There is no officially announced star rating for Cambodia hotels, and there is no star system. The star rating indicated in the itinerary is Cambodia's local industry reference standard, which is generally slightly worse than domestic; foreign resorts are priced according to size, location and supporting facilities, and no star-rated reference standards; local tourist buses are mostly used. car.

2. Time difference between China and Cambodia: Cambodia time is one hour slower than Beijing time

3, this trip guests do not leave the itinerary and dining as abandonment! There is no additional refund. Guests are required to leave the group according to the itinerary. They must not leave the group without authorization, otherwise they will be at their own risk. The above itinerary can be changed according to the specific circumstances, our company reserves the right of final interpretation.

4, tourist areas, thieves are not uncommon, valuables must be kept with care, not stored in the coach and hotel room. It is recommended that passports and air tickets be handed over to the front desk of the hotel for safekeeping and safety during free activities.

5. If the customer refuses to sign the visa due to the customer's own reasons, the customer will bear the cost of the business, including the cost of the ticket, the cost of the ground connection, etc., and the society will refund the unpaid expenses.

6, do not accept pregnant women to register, if there is concealment, an accident, the travel agency is not responsible.

7. All self-funded shopping items on the trip are based on the principle of voluntariness and do not involve the interests of our company. Local guides sell local tourist souvenirs on coaches, and guests can purchase them voluntarily according to their needs;

8. Guests are required to enter and leave the group according to the itinerary. They are not allowed to leave the group without permission. Guests are not allowed to leave the group without permission. If you have to leave the group, you must sign a departure statement with our company and any violations during the departure process. Local laws and issues that endanger personal and property safety are the responsibility of the guests. Our company does not take any responsibility, and travel accident insurance cannot cover the personal or property damage and loss suffered by individuals when leaving the group.

9. From November 1st, 2011, the number of people on the Bakken Mountain is limited to 300 people/day. If you are unable to reach the summit due to the time limit of the group tour, please forgive me.

10. If you are unable to eat due to reasons such as the reception capacity of the restaurant, we have the right to change to the restaurant of the same restaurant.

Supplementary agreement

For the itinerary agreed in the travel itinerary, the travel agency shall, at the request of the traveler and by mutual agreement, reach this supplemental association.

As an integral part of the package travel contract.

Agreement shopping arrangement

Location Name Content Time

Angkor Jewelry Store Jewelry (Hongbao Sapphire) Jewelry Handmade Products About 60 minutes

Angkor Woodcarving shop Wood carving, souvenir, etc. About 60 minutes

Angkor Silk World Silk Products About 60 minutes

Angkor Latex shop Various latex products About 60 minutes

Shopping location description:

1. The commodity price is determined by the market. Tourists should choose according to their own economic conditions, and the purchased goods will not be returned if they are not quality problems;

2. The scenic spots (tax-free shopping malls) in the itinerary are not included in the arranged shopping places, and the travel agency does not assume any responsibility;

3, the quality of the goods purchased by the traveler's shopping place, the travel agency does not assume any responsibility.

4, overseas shopping should bear the various customs duties, fees and other items generated by the shopping activities, if you can not get the local tax rebate, the guests bear the relevant taxes and fees already incurred.

Guest Statement: I and my colleagues representing the participating delegations in the travel contract have fully understood and agreed to the above terms and conditions.

It is now signed for confirmation.


Upgrade your vacation feelings at your own expense! ! In order to meet the needs of tourists' personalized tours, the travel agency provides content and standards for additional fees for tourists to refer to. If there is a need for tourists, they can voluntarily choose to participate during free activities.

Self-funded project arrangement (10 quotations for adults, if less than 10 adult prices are negotiable)

Reference self-funded item Content Price (size and price)

Cambodian traditional massage fare + driver service fee + tour guide fee USD10/person/hour (without tipping)

Angkor smile light show fare + driver service fee + tour guide fee + ticket USD45 / person

Tonle Sap Lake fare + driver service fee + tour guide fee + ticket USD25/person

Collapse column fare + driver service fee + tour guide fee + ticket USD45 / person

Lichee Mountain National Park fare + driver service fee + tour guide fee + ticket USD55/person

FCC French Romantic Dinner Meal fee + fare + service charge USD30/person

Team package

Package ticket Tonle Sap Lake Cruise + Angkor Smile Large Show + Buffet Dinner RMB 500 / person

Set of tickets 2 collapsed column + Cambodian massage + buffet dinner RMB 500 yuan / person

Package three

Beng Mi Lie + Cambodian-style special meal + Tonle Sap Cruise + Cambodia

Special Buffet + Cambodian Massage 1 hour + Hong Kong style afternoon tea

RMB 700 yuan / person


The collapse of the column (about 1.5 hours of tour time) was built in the 12th century Sully in the 2nd dynasty, it is the most worthwhile and most difficult to visit in the Angkor heritage group. The moat of the collapsed column is 1.2 kilometers long and 0.9 kilometers wide. It is almost the same size as Angkor Wat, but it is still tightly wrapped in the jungle. Due to the remoteness, many reliefs and statues have been plundered, but the mysterious atmosphere of the temple is still deep in the forest. This place is the location of the Hollywood movie "Dragon Brothers and Tigers".

All the above self-funded projects are voluntarily participated by the visitors themselves, and they are willing to confirm them in a friendly, equal and voluntary manner. The travel agency has fully informed and reminded the following characteristics, related issues and risks of the self-funded projects. Volunteer participation after careful consideration. All self-funded items are ordered by the on-site booking reservation. Once the reservation is confirmed, it cannot be refunded or rescheduled.

If you agree to participate, you must sign above. If there is a dispute, we will use this document as a basis to ensure your rights.


In order for you to be safe in the course of this tour, we especially ask you to abide by the following matters. This is our responsibility to inform you and to protect your rights.

1. Be sure to be punctual. Punctuality is a prerequisite for completing a mission and is a necessary condition for maintaining interest in the tour;

2. Pay attention to the publicity of the charging items and free items in the hotel, so as to avoid unpleasant disputes with the hotel;

3, keep passports, air tickets, immigration cards and valuables, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble; important documents such as passports, visas, ID cards, credit cards, and boat tickets must be carried with you and kept safely. Before you leave, it's best to make one copy in your handbag and the original in your underwear pocket. Don't easily agree when someone encounters a document, and report it to the leader. If the leader is not present, the other party may be required to show their ID card or work permit, otherwise they should be rejected. If the other party is a police officer, you should also record your ID number, badge number and car number.

The Tonle Sap Lake Cruise (about 1.5 hours) is located 7 kilometers south of downtown Siem Reap. It is the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia. The total area is more than 10,000 square kilometers in the rainy season and over 6,000 square kilometers in the dry season. It is 36 kilometers wide and has a rich catch. It is not only supplied by the whole Khmer people, but also exported. Take a boat ride on Tonle Sap Lake to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the lake. You can also see fishing, planting and raising pigs on the boat house unique to the local water people.

"Angkor's Smile" large-scale epic stage performance light show (19:15-20:25 every night) using the world's most advanced lighting technology, the stage effect is excellent, very dreamy effect, all-round artistic reproduction to you A large-scale song and dance epic showing the long history and civilization of the Cambodian Angkor dynasty. It is the first large-scale cultural cooperation project jointly established by China and Cambodia.

Here you can watch the wonderful performances of the famous actors of the Royal Song and Dance Troupe.

The Cambodian Folk Culture Village and the Khmer folklore show (about 2.5 hours of tour time) is a large-scale cultural tourism and entertainment spot that gathers miniatures of places of interest in Cambodia and a collection of folk art, folk customs and residential buildings in one garden. The Folk Culture Village is a collection of folk art, folk customs and residential architecture of various ethnic groups in Cambodia.

Understand the epitome of Cambodia's national history and national culture. The cultural village covers an area of 210,000 square meters. There are 11 ethnic villages with different customs and customs, reflecting the folk culture and customs of Cambodian nationalities from different angles. In each village, visitors can watch Cambodia's ancient and elegant folk songs and dances, or participate in Cambodian traditional wedding ceremonies. In addition to the rich national color, the museum displays the vivid scenes of the ancient Khmer people's architecture in Angkor Wat with a silicone statue in the museum, which is like a time-space tunnel. Dinner specially arranged folk culture village folk dance show + buffet, while enjoying the charm of the Angkor cultural performance, let you be happy!

Traditional Cambodian massage (60 minutes) originated from the court of Angkor Dynasty. The massage of Cambodian is based on superb techniques. It is divided into head, face, waist, foot and body by part. The action has pinch, , , press, touch, , pull and so on. According to the technique, there is a classical and refueling massage. After an hour, the guest has entered the situation of swaying, lifting your day's fatigue and letting you rejuvenate your energy. (The masseur's tip is subject to a discretionary discount, usually $1/person)

Lai Chi Shan National Park (about 1.5 hours of tour time) is located more than 30 kilometers northeast of Angkor Wat. It is a Buddhist holy place and famous scenic spot in Cambodia. It is 470 meters above sea level. From a distance, it looks like Litchi Mountain. It is like a giant lion. The ground lies above the prairie in central Siem Reap. On the mountain you can see the sculpture of "Linka" at the bottom of the water. The Pole Ang Thong Temple on the top of the mountain is made of boulder and is naturally rough. There is a 9-meter-long giant stone reclining Buddha in the temple. The top of the mountain is a famous waterfall in Cambodia. There are also religious stone carvings under the waterfall. It used to be the place where the king bathed. It is the place where the 阇耶跋摩二 is in place.

4. Cooperate with the work of the team leader and tour guide to create a harmonious and pleasant atmosphere; the tickets for Angkor that we buy for everyone are the badges that are currently produced. If the lost guests are responsible for buying tickets, if they do not bring tickets, The scenic spot is also borne by the guests who are fined by the scenic spot.

5. All scenic spots, hotels, tourist buses and restaurants in Cambodia are non-smoking areas. Please do not smoke in these places. Offenders are responsible for all the serious consequences caused by them;

6. Cambodian Customs is relatively corrupt. It is a bad habit to see Chinese tourists tipping you. Generally, it is worth 1 US dollar or 10 yuan for quick customs clearance.

7, Siem Reap hotels have the habit of tipping, it is recommended that guests leave the hotel every morning when you leave a small tip to stay in the room, the waiter will better serve you, clean your room more clean;

8. Pay special attention to buying items that do not match the price/performance ratio when shopping, so as to avoid unnecessary economic losses;

9. Pay attention to safety and abide by the safety warnings and relevant regulations of the airport, customs and scenic spots;

10. Please do not bring illegal goods to board the plane. Please check the liquid items over 100 ml. Please do not bring local fruits, fresh food and animal products when you return to China.

11, food safety, please strictly follow the travel agency's arrangements, to the designated restaurant to eat; guests through the restaurant passage, stairs, please pay attention to the safety of the foot; pay attention to food hygiene, do not buy roadside hawker food; pay attention to the differences in diet, do not overdose Use certain foods to avoid diarrhea caused by soil and water. For special foods, please follow the safety precautions.

12. Obey the arrangement of the tour guide or the tour leader during the itinerary to ensure the unified action of the team, go forward with the same progress, do not act without authorization, do not leave the group, do not leave the team, do not affect the overall journey of the team; please observe the safety instructions of the scenic spot, do not go Dangerous area tours, photographs, etc.; do not bring or use open flames when entering the scenic spot to avoid danger; during the tour, you should strengthen your awareness and keep your belongings at any time; visitors should not leave the group alone during the tour, such as There are accidental travel agencies that are not responsible; do not scare animals casually when visiting animals, and do not feed animals casually; do not go out alone, do not go to places and attractions outside the itinerary, do not go to complex places, encounter Risks should be promptly reported. During the free activities, you should pay attention to your personal and property safety. It is recommended that tourists do not participate in any high-risk activities such as bungee jumping, water sports, diving, skiing, etc. If you are involved in high-risk activities, accidents will not be responsible for the accident.

13. Visitors should abide by the laws, regulations, religions and customs of tourist destinations, and maintain the national temperament, personality charm and ceremonial state of the Chinese nation; foreign tourism may not participate in gambling, pornography, drug-related, etc. activity. Obey the traffic rules during the trip and pay attention to safety when passing through places with a lot of people such as scenic spots, shopping malls, airports, stations, and flyovers.

14. Do not carry politically relevant materials at the time of entry and exit, and do not accept interviews or unidentified materials outside the country.

15. There may be some potential risks in the travel itinerary. Please confirm that the physical condition is suitable for this trip.

16. A tourist who is under the age of 18 and who is not accompanied by a guardian to travel alone must sign a contract with the guardian and submit a written consent to the guardian.

17. Tourists who are over 75 years of age and have other special circumstances must agree to travel by immediate family members.

Tourists under the age of 18, 18 and over and those over the age of 60, as well as those suffering from high blood pressure, anemia, diabetes, respiratory diseases, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, mental illness and pregnant women, are not suitable to enter the plateau. If there is any concealment or false report, any The accident travel agency is not responsible.

19. Invite tourists to do a necessary physical examination before participating in the delegation. All infectious diseases, severe cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, mental illness, severe anemia, and large and medium-sized operations

Those who are recovering from illness, pregnant women and those with reduced mobility should not sign up for the group. Otherwise, an accident will occur and you will be responsible for it. Travellers are not responsible for the death or injury caused by their own diseases during the travel itinerary, and they are not covered by accident insurance.

20. The items carried by the currency, electronic products, jewelry, etc. are safely kept by the tourists themselves. The travel agency has no obligation to keep it. If it is lost or damaged during the travel, the travel agency will not be responsible.

21, baggage items are safe, please keep your baggage with you. If you have checked baggage, please wait for the first time to receive your checked baggage after arriving at the overseas airport. If there is any loss, the travel agency will not be responsible for the loss of baggage, but will Assist visitors in handling related matters.

22. Accommodation security After arriving at the hotel, please understand the safety passage or emergency passage of the hotel, familiarize yourself with the escape route, and clearly understand the floor and location of the guest, the company, the door, the door, and the door. Whether the locks are in good condition, check the doors and windows when going out and before going to bed, and keep your room keys safe; please pay attention to safety when using the equipment inside the house, observe the safety regulations; keep valuables or keep them in the hotel, don't entrust others Take items in your own room; don't open doors to strangers easily.

23, driving safety In the driving process, please wear a seat belt; do not walk around during driving to avoid danger; do not chat with the driver while driving; do not use scissors, fruit knife and other sharps when driving, lest Dangerous.

24. Safety is the guarantee of a happy journey. It is best to buy travel accident insurance before departure, and if you have an accident, you can get timely assistance. Keep cash as little as possible during your trip. Don't put your money in your luggage. Keep it in your hands. Do not put valuables in the room. It is best to go shopping in a regular store and buy something to prove invoice. When trying on shoes, it is best to accompany the group’s friends to accompany and take care of the items.

Warm tips:

First, customs: When traveling in Angkor, you should abide by local customs and habits. Cambodia Angkor is a devout Buddhist country. Visiting the main attractions and temples, you need to take off your shoes and go barefoot. Cambodia belongs to the Hinayana Buddhism country. The locals think that the "head" of each person is the most sacred place and cannot be touched casually, so you can see Cambodia. Children please don't touch their heads casually; follow the laws and folk customs of other countries, don't spit, litter, don't shout loudly; keep civilized and polite, fully embody the Chinese national temperament, personality charm and ceremonial state Style

2. Climate: Cambodia has a tropical maritime climate. The current temperature is roughly 30-33 degrees Celsius. Please bring your own shorts and shorts.

3. Currency: It is more convenient to use US dollars in Angkor. It is necessary to bring a certain amount of US dollars. The small-valued US dollar is more convenient to use. In the Cambodian market, the RMB is not in circulation, and the exchange rate of the US dollar to the Cambodian Riel is 1:4000.

4. Diet: Most of the food in Angkor is Chinese food. You can bring some pickles. Please don't drink non-canned water and raw water directly.

5. Drugs: Please bring anti-mosquito, summer oil, anti-inflammatory drugs, sunscreen and personal medicines for mosquito oil and wind oil.

6. Communication: The mobile phone must be opened for international long-distance travel in Cambodia. Contact the domestic hotel or post office.

7. Time difference: Cambodia time is one hour later than Beijing time in China. Please pay attention to the adjustment time.

Eight, shopping: antiques, gold and silver products, jewelry, jade, oil painting, extension of the monument (embossed rubbing on the wall of the temple walls of Angkor Wat), concrete masks, wood carvings, etc., is a more distinctive art of Cambodia, Among them, ruby is the most famous. In addition, Cambodia's colorful satin or cotton fabrics such as salons and scarves are quite local. Credit cards VISA and MASTER CARD can be used at larger hotel hotels, but may not be used in places other than Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. It can withdraw cash from the bank at a fee of 4%. Cambodia does not have an automated teller machine.

9. Folklore: Songkran Festival: Every year, April 13-15 is the Songkran Festival popular in Cambodia and the Cambodian New Year. At this time, all the Buddhist monasteries are adorned with Buddhist five-color flags, and people dress up to worship the Buddhist temple. Young people wear masks to worship families in various households, and say auspicious words to raise money, and then donate to the temple to discuss Geely. In addition, there is a ritual of sand hills. Under the guidance of the elders, people piled up sand hills around the temple to pray for a good harvest, and the people and the people.

Water Festival: A three-day water festival is held at the end of the rainy season every year, about in late November. This is a blessing and natural gift from Cambodia. At the time of the water festival, red and green are everywhere, and dragon boat races, water lanterns, and moon festivals are held. At this time, many magnificent floating palaces and beautiful stands will be set up on the banks of the dragon boat. Government officials and national envoys use the ceremony.

Ten, specialties: ruby, sapphire, wood, wood carving, rubber, silverware.
